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HomeBody & MindWhat foods to eat to make your teeth whiter

What foods to eat to make your teeth whiter


Everyone longs for beautiful teeth and healthy gums. If you want to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful even in old age, it is important not only to clean them properly, but also to eat the right food.

From an early age, children learn the importance of brushing their teeth twice a day. It is recommended to brush your teeth after each meal, if this is not possible, at least in the morning and evening. Oral hygiene is the basis of a nice smile.

After each meal, plaque forms on the teeth, which is caused by bacteria in the oral cavity. Dental plaque produces acid, which negatively affects the health of teeth – it weakens and damages the enamel and as a result caries can occur.

So what foods to eat to make your teeth whiter?

Good and bad food

Dental health is like a diet – there are foods that are completely taboo on the diet and others that are suitable for weight reduction. Probably the most famous scarecrow are sweets. Many of you parents must have said to you as a child: “Don’t eat so many sweets, your teeth will go bad!” And they were actually right. The sugar consumed is converted by bacteria into an acid, which is harmful to the teeth because it damages and softens the enamel. After eating sweet food, it is advisable to brush your teeth, or at least take chewing gum (without sugar!).

The list of unsuitable foods is quite long. But even if they can harm your teeth, that doesn’t mean you have to leave them out of your diet altogether. The basis is always regular oral hygiene performed with the right technique.

What harms the teeth?

  • Candies – contain a huge amount of sugar, so the bacteria in the mouth are literally like paradise. Soft candies like gummy bears or other sticky sweets can stick to the teeth and stick to them for a long time. Because of this, the bacteria have enough time to form acid. Even hard candies do not benefit the teeth, from which sweet juice is gradually released.
  • Sweet lemonades – are a threat to diets and healthy oral cavities. Sweetened lemonades are actually one big sugar cube. Did you know that 1 liter of cola contains up to 27 sugar cubes?

  • Red wine – many of you probably won’t to give up this delicacy. According to many healthy nutrition experts, wine is good for the body. However, it isn’t much friendly with teeth. It contains substances that stain teeth and can form uneven stains on them. The acids contained in the wine (even in the white one) damage the enamel and the teeth may be more prone to discoloration by other foods.

  • Tea and coffee – it is known that coffee stains your teeth, but similarly, black tea, which contains a large amount of tannin, can also stain your teeth. Green tea or herbal teas do not stain teeth so much.

  • Cigarettes, tobacco – you may have noticed that your teeth turn strangely yellow, even if you avoid the sweets. Tobacco can be to blame, which gives the teeth an ugly yellowish tinge.

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Which foods will help you to whiter teeth?

The basis of healthy teeth is undoubtedly oral hygiene. But the quality of teeth and gums is also affected by food. Confectionery, sweet lemonades as well as coffee and tea cause excessive plaque formation, which can lead to weakened tooth enamel and caries. Consumption can be provided by consuming foods that minimize or partially remove plaque.

Keep in mind, that brushing is irreplaceable.

Dairy products

Yogurts, cheeses and other dairy products are not only great probiotics (they help the digestive system to function properly), but they also contain a lot of calcium, which is important not only for bone building. Calcium also strengthens tooth enamel. Regular consumption of dairy products reduces the level of acids in the mouth (it can neutralize them) and thus reduces the likelihood of tooth decay.

Choose yogurts without added sugar. Otherwise, the bacteria will start to produce tooth-damaging acids from the sugars.

Celery, carrots and apples as natural “toothbrushes”

Carrots and apples are full of fiber, they also contain many vitamins and are also very tasty. They do not require many adjustments, you can just crunch them just like that. Biting apples and carrots stimulates the production of saliva, which actively prevents the oral cavity from infections. Celery is often perceived as an vegetable that cannot be eaten raw due to its strange sharp taste. But celery is great for crunching! In addition, like carrots and apples, it acts like a toothbrush – it removes food residues and bacteria from the teeth, so it prevents the formation of dental plaque.

High fat fish

The so-called fatty fish include tuna, salmon, mackerel or sardines. These fish contain omega-3 fatty acids that affect the activity of body cells. They are also rich in vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus, which affect bones and teeth.

Foods containing fluorine

Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel and acts as a prevention of tooth decay. It is usually contained in toothpastes, naturally obtained from nuts, unsweetened cocoa, cereals or fish.

For pleasant breath and healthy gums

Healthy teeth are helped by consuming suitable foods, but a different rule applies to the gums. Mouth sores, various injuries, gum bites or aphthae are painful and often cause more problems than just pungent pain. They can prevent biting or are sensitive to certain foods.


Prepare a hot drink from several mint leaves and enjoy its refreshing taste. Mint not only tastes great, but refreshes the breath and even helps heal the gums. If you suffer from aphthae or other minor injuries in your mouth, a mint decoction can also be used. The herb has numbing effects, tightens the gums and speeds up treatment. Sage decoction also helps to soothe and heal the oral mucosa.

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Leafy vegetables

It is often part of many diets because it is a tasty vegetable full of vitamins and minerals. This group includes in particular spinach, cabbage, cabbage, broccoli, arugula or lettuce. All of these species contain folic acid and vitamin B, which helps heal the gums.

If you are thinking about how to include this vegetable in your diet, we have several ways for you: stew a handful of fresh spinach with garlic, make a healthy salad with olive oil or you can try a green smoothie.


This small gnarled gold is used in the treatment of flu and sore throats and is really a very effective natural remedy. It will also help eliminate bad breath problems by slowing down the growth of bacteria in the mouth.

Coconut oil

For healthy teeth and gums, you can use the popular natural oil used not only in the kitchen. With coconut oil, you can gently brush your teeth with a toothbrush or roll it in your mouth for a while. It may not be completely pleasant on the first try, but hopefully its pleasant smell and excellent effects will convince you. Coconut oil prevents the formation of bacteria and thus protects your teeth from decay.

Drink the right fluids

Fluid intake is important, but it depends on what fluids it is. Of course, ordinary water (whether tap or purchased) is the most suitable. A welcome option is water enriched with minerals, especially magnesium, which helps proper muscle function and reduces fatigue.

Sweetened lemonades, whether carbonated or not, are not good for health. They contain a large amount of sweeteners, which are a paradise for bacteria. These convert sugars into enamel weakening acids. The same goes for syrups and juices.

If you don’t give a shot without sweets, try to reach for products that are sweetened with xylitol, for example. It’s a natural sweetener that prevents the growth of bacteria. It is often an ingredient in chewing gum.


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