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HomeBody & Mind9 biggest myths about weight loss

9 biggest myths about weight loss


Do you also feel that new diets, theories and guaranteed weight loss tips are constantly emerging around you?

Some of them are so experienced that despite their “stupidity” we blindly follow them. And in the end, they become myths.

However, we want to tear them down so that we can start looking at the weight loss process again with undistorted judgment and open eyes. That is the only way we can achieve our goals.

So let’s unravel the 7 biggest weight loss myths together!

You can spot-reduce fat by doing exercises that target certain body parts

You can’t spot-reduce fat by doing exercises that target your abs, arms or any other body part. That’s because it’s not possible to melt away fat from one area of your body without also losing fat from another part of your body.

However, you can lose weight overall by exercising and eating healthy food. And if you do lose weight, then anywhere in your body where there is excess fat will be affected.

The key is to take off the pounds gradually over time so that it happens gradually everywhere else on your body as well!

Also keep in mind that gaining muscle means adding more calories into the equation (and thus more heat).

Detox diets and cleanses are good for your body

  • Detox diets and cleanses are not healthy.

Cleanses and detox diets are often marketed as being a way to flush out toxins from your body, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

In fact, they can be dangerous and cause nutritional deficiencies, dehydration, liver failure and other health problems.

  • Detox diets can be expensive.

Detox diet products usually have an exorbitant price tag attached to them—and it’s not just because they’re good for you!

These products are often made up of ingredients that only have minimal amounts of the nutrients they claim to contain (if any at all).

Plus some people will spend more money on these products than they did on their groceries last week because they’re buying them in bulk—so even though you might save money by trying a detox diet or cleanse at home yourself with carbohydrates like bananas or sweet potatoes instead of packaged foods like juices or smoothies from the store that come with added sugars from natural sources like applesauce but also man-made ones like high fructose corn syrup.

Which has been linked directly back over time now due to studies done consistently over decades about how bad it is for us physiologically speaking because there’s nothing natural about HFCS apart from its

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Only calories matter when losing weight

Although weight loss is related to the amount of energy received and expended, it is not the only factor that affects it.

If you rely only on calorie intake to reduce your weight, you may not see a forest for the trees.

You miss a lot of variables that can make someone lose weight a lot, even though they are on a low-calorie diet.

For example, hormonal imbalances, which often occur in people who are overweight or malnourished. The overall state of health also plays an important role.

Thyroid diseases, including hypothyroidism, in most cases cause uncontrollable weight gain, which really has nothing to do with calorie intake.

The use of certain drugs or genetic predispositions also play a role.

But this is only a fraction of the factors that can make weight loss difficult for some people, despite a strict diet.

Moreover, the concept based only on the caloric deficit does not emphasize the sustainability and quality of the diet.

Hardened proponents of the “calories in, calories out” method focus primarily on the caloric value of foods, but neglect their nutritional value. Unfortunately, low-calorie foods are often low in nutrients.

Low-carb is the way to go

Another myth about weight loss is that low-carb diets are the best way to go.

While they may be effective, there’s also a lot of evidence suggesting they could be doing more harm than good.

For example, if you don’t consume enough carbs in your diet, your body will start breaking down muscle for energy—and that can lead to some serious health issues.

Another issue is that low-carb diets can cause problems with your gut health and mental health.

And finally, a common complaint from people who do these types of diets is dehydration because they aren’t getting enough water or other fluids from food sources like fruits and vegetables (whereas high-carb diets tend to provide more fluid).

Liquid calories don’t count as much as solids, so you can drink without worrying about it

You’re not wrong to think that liquid calories don’t fill you up as much as solids, which is why they are often low in calories. In fact, when it comes to weight loss, most people can drink without worrying about it.

The problem is that many liquid calorie sources are high in sugar and fat—and those two things are super-easy to overdo.

So while you may be able to drink your way through a whole day without gaining weight (or even lose some by guzzling water), if you’re consuming too much sugar or fat along with it then those calories might still sneak their way into your body.

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When you start eating better, you’ll automatically lose weight

It’s not as simple as just eating better. While it’s true that you’ll burn more calories digesting wholesome meals than processed ones, no food is a magic weight-loss pill.

To lose weight you need to be in a caloric deficit—you must eat fewer calories than your body burns each day.

This can be accomplished by reducing calorie intake through exercise and dieting, or by increasing calorie output through exercise alone.

In order to maintain your health, however, you need to consume more energy than your body uses up each day—this is called being in energy balance (not at all related to banking balance).

If you are not maintaining this state of equilibrium then either excessive fat stores will accumulate or muscle tissue will be used for energy instead of stored as fat. Either way: bad news!

The best way to keep this from happening is by eating healthy foods that are high in fiber and protein while limiting carbohydrates like sugar and flour.

So they aren’t converted into stored fat so quickly when consumed without enough active movement afterward due either physical activity during.

Knowing what types of foods work best with our bodies individually which takes time learning through trial & error since everyone metabolizes differently depending on genetics & lifestyle choices.

Slim equals health

Obesity is associated with many health risks, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, depression, certain cancers and even premature death.

However, reducing the risk of these diseases does not necessarily mean that you have to lose weight.

The most important thing is to consume a nutritious diet and maintain an active lifestyle.

The character of each of us is as different as our predispositions.

If we compare ourselves with the environment and feel inadequate as a result, we will never be healthy or happy.

It is important to think about what we eat. But eating a cake or a bar of chocolate won’t do us any good.

Eating disorders only affect women

Many people assume that eating disorders only affect the fairer sex. But the opposite is true. Men, whether adults or adolescents, are also affected by these problems.

According to a 2018 survey, more than 30% of teenage men in America say they are dissatisfied with the appearance of their own bodies.

Many of them also added that they use unhealthy weight loss methods on the way to their dream character.

However, it is important to note that eating disorders usually occur in men in a different way than in women.

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Eating disorders are most common in adolescent men who are gay or transgender.

According to statistics, men are more prone to binge eating and bulimia, while women are more prone to anorexia and orthorexia.

According to gender, they choose such a treatment for eating disorders.

Research shows that men are more likely to experience shy eating disorders and are therefore less likely to seek medical attention in a timely manner. Which is one of the key factors in any treatment.

If you want to lose weight, you only have to eat small portions of food

Eating small portions of food regularly throughout the day is a method that many people use to stimulate the “kicking” of their metabolism and thus weight loss.

However, if you are a healthy active person, the frequency of your meals does not matter.

Your metabolic rate is primarily determined by your total caloric intake. However, he must always meet the energy needs of the individual.

The body is a complex system whose processes are linked to each other in perfect harmony.

If we eat a predominantly balanced diet, our glucose will begin to drop about 2 hours after a meal.

Along with glucose, the amount of our energy begins to decrease.

Eventually, there is a twitching in the stomach, signaling to us that it is time to eat. The body can actually tell itself when it is hungry, just listen to it!

Conversely, people who have certain health problems, such as diabetes, coronary artery disease or irritable bowel syndrome, should have smaller portions with a higher frequency.

This is also the case with pregnant or breastfeeding women.

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